Radon Journal issue 6


My poem ‘Holes’ appears in Radon Journal issue 6.  The Gloster Aircraft Company produced the first Meteor jet fighter in 1943. In 1980, their landing field remained beautifully flat green expanse dotted with mysterious pieces of machinery and various works of gently decaying military architecture. The culture at the time still echoed the high-tech futures promised by the rapid post-war technological and cultural development. This landscape still seemed, to me, like science fiction. That science-fiction future was already heading into obsolescence, submerged in a changing culture where profit and the present were key. That landing field has gone; disappeared under housing estates and warehouses; That old future has gone, its ambition stifled; replaced by a present that, in spite of signs that the future is rushing towards us like an out-of-control steam roller, hardly cares about the future at all.  

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